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Monstera dubia Cutting

Item number: BJ2087

Category: Philodendron

24,90 €

including 7% VAT., plus shipping

Available now!

Shipping time: 3 - 5 workdays



The Dubia is a rare Monstera species whose special feature is the transformation of its leaves with age. While the even smaller leaves of the young plant impress with their silvery leaf markings, the leaves of the older plant can reach a size of up to 38 cm and develop characteristic columns similar to those of the Monstera Deliciosa.
• Delivery: You will receive a scion with 2-3 leaves and aerial roots.
• Growth type: climbing
• Origin: Tropical regions of Central America to South America
• Other names: window leaf, Swiss cheese plant

Ben's care tips:

• Monstera dubia likes to climb, so we recommend letting the monstera climb up a moss stick or cultivating it in the terrarium. The plants are sent in moist sphagnum moss for transport, we also recommend sphagnum moss for growth.
• Location/Light Requirements: Partial shade, avoid bright/direct sunlight.
• Substrate: Ben's Philodendron & Monstera Soil, special soil
• Temperature: optimal at 22-28°C, do not allow to cool below 18°C
• Watering: Water well about once a week, keep the substrate moist but avoid waterlogging. Water less in winter.
• Humidity: Requires high humidity.
• Nutrient addition: In spring/summer approx. every 2 weeks with liquid fertiliser.
• Should be repotted about every 2 years.
• Avoid draughts. Dust the leaves regularly with a slightly damp cloth.

You can find Ben's sphagnum moss and in-house soil mixes here:
Soil for indoor plants (



Shipping weight: 0,10 Kg
Product weight: 0,10 Kg

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