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Pantherchamäleon Pflantset L

Item number: BJ3280

Category: Chamäleonterrarium

149,00 €

including 7% VAT., plus shipping

Available now!

Shipping time: 3 - 5 workdays



Selected plants ideal for a panther chameleon terrarium. These are plants that grow well in semi-humid terrariums for chameleons. The set consists of the following plants:

The following plants are included in the set:

Philodendron micans

Philodendron White princess

Ceropegia woodii

Philodendron micans yellow

Calathea freddie

Alocasia curly bambino

Fittonia red

Philodendron Pink Princess

Peperomia Piccolo Band

Begonia cleopathra

Begonia rex

Neoregelia Green Tiger

Neoregelia Deep red


Neoregelia striped



Depending on availability, the plants may differ from the picture. They will then be replaced by other suitable plants for chameleon terrariums.

Keeping Yemen chameleons, also known as panther chameleons, requires special conditions to ensure they stay healthy and happy. Here are some important points about keeping these fascinating reptiles:

1. Terrarium: Yemen chameleons need a large terrarium that is at least 60x60x90 cm to provide enough space for climbing and moving around. A terrarium with plenty of plants and branches for hiding places is ideal.

2. Temperature and humidity: The optimal temperature for Yemen chameleons is between 25-30°C during the day and between 18-22°C at night. Humidity should be around 50-70%. An automatic misting system can help maintain humidity.

3. Lighting: Chameleons need UVB lighting to produce vitamin D and develop healthy bones. A combination of UVB and heat lamps is recommended to ensure the right temperature and light conditions in the terrarium.

4. Food: Yemen chameleons feed mainly on insects such as crickets, grasshoppers and butterfly larvae. Feed your chameleons every few days and also offer vegetables and fruits occasionally for variety.

5. Water: Provide a drinking source in the form of a drip or spray bottle in the terrarium for your chameleons to drink. Also mist the terrarium regularly to increase the humidity and help the chameleons drink.

By following these tips and setting up the terrarium accordingly, you can ensure that your Yemen chameleons have the right conditions to stay healthy and happy.